Since Memorial Day weekend I have been sewing non stop. Or at least trying to learn how to sew and trying not to get frustrated. I went to
Joann's, used my coupons and bought some beautiful fabric (I love cute fabric) and
easy patterns. I then went over to the library and checked out a few sewing books. I have also watched a lot of youtube videos on how to sew. So I guess I am ready to sew now. Maybe I'll be the next Vera Wang? I love her style. Or maybe CK, just love the simplicity in his designs. Who knows.... Hey, if you become my follower, you might be following the next superstar...!
Well since that weekened I have dove right into sewing. I have started lots of new projects. Whoohoo! I have only completed one though. Here it is.

I just love this lining I choose in this dress. I think it compliments the brown polka dot material well. What do you think?

WOw , wow wow!!!1 how amazing and you just started??? I look forward to following your creations1