I love Amy Butler fabric! They are so bright and cheerful and so fun to sew with. I think it makes any dress, skirt, quilt or whatever you sew that much more cute! Earlier this week I took a break from sewing my pinwheels and headed to my nearest quilt store and found that they had Amy Butler in their discounted area. What! I was very excited and bought a couple of yards of several pretty prints. I went home and was just admiring my new fabric for awhile. Doesn't everyone do that?
So now what to do with this pretty fabric?
I've always wanted to try and make a circle skirt but didn't know how. So I hunted down on the web and came across this tutorial of how to make your very own circle skirt!
So here is my perfect cut out donut.

Instead of connecting the skirt with an elastic I created a bodice to make a dress instead.

Its a little big. I make sure I do that because I never know how long it will take me to finish sewing. Especially since I am still learning. But I think it came out cute!

Look, a perfect circle. Please ignore the play phone. My daughter would not sit still without her phone.

A look from the back.

And there you have it. Another dress to add to her collection.