Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 19

Day 19 challenge is Something You Want.

Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 800
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/30

One thing that is lacking in our new home is storage space. So this is how we are temporally storing our games and toys. All stacked up in a temporary tiny bookshelf or all over the floor. Sometime this year (fingers crossed) we will have our built in bookshelf/ storage bench on that wall.


January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 18

Day 18 Challenge is Your Shoes.

Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 400
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 125
During the Thanksgiving Holiday my sister was giving away bags full of stuff to Deseret Store. I went through them and found these beauty. Unfortunately they are just a tad to high for me. I did the "chase after Lucas down the hallway at Church test" by running around the house and found that I would not be fast enough. So for now these will be sitting in my closet looking pretty next to my other shoes that are more Lucas proof. Sigh.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 17

Day 16 Challenge is Technology.
Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 200
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 100
Took a picture of my current phone as well as a phone that was used 25 years ago. Crazy how fast technology has changed they way we live. Wonder what my phone will look like in 20 years from now?

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 16

Day 16 Challenge is A Good Habit.
Lens: 18-55 ML
My goal for this new year is to read my scriptures daily. I am trying to work on putting God first and trust that everything else will workout. I believe this year will be a great year!

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 14

Day 14 Challenge is Eyes.

Lens: 18-55 ML
The sun was behind Juliana and so I noticed some sunspots on the photo. Making this in black and white and lighting up the photo kind of helped eliminate the glare. Plus I think it helped make the eyes pop a little bit more.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 13

Day 13 Challenge is Cannot live without.

Lens: 18-55 ML
I cannot live without Chocolate. Well I probably could but my life is a little bit more "sweeter" because of it. By the way, as long as I eat these in the dark, those calories will not find me!

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 12

Day 12 Challenge is Sunset.

Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 0"8
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 100
This is the sun setting from our backyard. Instead of slowing down the SS to bring in more light, I choose to shoot it at 100. This brought in just enough light to view the rays of the sun before it disappeared behind those mountains. I didn't want any other distractions like housetops and walls appearing in the photo. Only the silhouette of the landscape at the setting of the sun.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 10

Day 10 Challenge is Childhood Memories.
Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 800
Aperture: 10
Shutter Speed: 1/5
I think I was about 6 years old. I really wanted to play checkers but my brother and sisters were off doing their own thing. I looked around and remembered seeing my father sitting at the dinner table with piles and piles of paperwork stacked up high, along with a big calculator and pencils. I had a feeling he was doing something quite important that day and I shouldn't bother him. Looking back I believe he was doing taxes, he owned a business and was an accountant by trade. And so I was hesitant but slowly walked over to my dad and asked him if he wanted to play a game with me. For a second I thought he would say no by the way he looked at his paperwork but then he said he would love to. We played several games that afternoon. I don't know why this memory has stuck with me. I think it was because I felt at that moment that I was very important. Playing checkers with me was more important than those piles and piles of papers that I knew nothing about at the time.   

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 11

Day 11 Challenge is Something Blue.

Lens: 18-55 ML

  So the shirt is obviously blue but it just so happens that this little guy was "feeling blue". He wanted his mommy and I grabbed my camera and took this shot. By the way, he got his needed hugs and kisses. Can't pass that up with those big brown eyes looking at me.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 9

Day 9 Challenge is Someone You Love.

Lens: 18-55 ML

  I don't remember the ISO, SS or f-stop for this photo. The sun was setting and my kids were playing outside and I grabbed my camera and capture this photo. Here is my daughter with her kitty. Her name is Sally, from her favorite book Dick and Jane. According to J, this is her sister and she loves her very very much.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 8

Day 8 Challenge is Routine.

Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 200
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/4

  Keeping my image in focus in this shoot was a challenge. Since I don't have a tripod, yet, I used 3 huge books stacked on top my hamper to keep it somewhat still. This challenge also brought my attention to get a remote. Every time I pressed the button, my camera would move slightly. So I never had a sharp image where I was trying to get it sharp.
By the way, this is my routine. Everyday. For the rest of my entire life. Unless they come up with a machine that will fold your laundry in the future. That would be nice.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 7

Day 7 Challenge is Changes to Come.

Lens: 18-55 ML
ISO: 100
Aperture: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/250
This is what our backyard looks like at this very moment. Untouched, for weeks. I can't wait to get to work out here once the weather gets warmer.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 6

Day six challenge is Obsession.
I am obsessed with organization. And having everything organized in cute containers is even better.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 5

Day 5 challenge is After dark.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 challenge is Something Green

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 challenge is Clouds.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 Photography Challenge is What You Wore.
So here is what I wore.
Red shirt from Modbod,
Red sweater from Marshalls or Ross that I purchased forever ago,
Blue jeans that my sister gave me over Thanksgiving holiday.
And blue and gray reebok shoes.
This was the only long mirror we have in my house. I dragged it into my bathroom from my closet, better lighting. I tried cleaning it before I took the picture. It could just be the glare from the flash. Lets just say it was the latter.

January 30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 1

So this year for Christmas, my husband bought me a Canon T3i. And I LOVE it! I have always wanted one ever since my daughter was born! I always wanted to take great pictures of my kids and my existing camera just was not cutting it! I took a photography class back in college and was hooked but it was never in my budget to purchase a nice camera and so I never owned one.  Back then it was film, not digital. So I was very very excited when I opened up my present and saw my camera. Yea!!!! Did I tell you how much I love it? I really do! Its been so many years since using one and now I am relearning all about ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, composition, depth of field, etc.
I came across a fun challenge called 30 DAY Photography Challenge, that I am participating in to help me get familiar with my camera and sharpen my skills in Photoshop at the same time. These pictures by all means are not perfect but a work in progress. And I am excited!!!
So here is challenge Day 1..... Self Portrait. I personally do not like this challenge but so be it. Here is my face. Lets move on to Day 2.